MLM Reviewed

ASEA MLM Review: Build Your Income Selling Cellular Health Science?

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Asea MLM Review

When I first saw ASEA on the internet, I assumed it was a clever parody.

The Internet is full of ads for supplements, drinks, and gimmicks that promise to keep us safe from the serious sickness.

Exotic berry and herb extracts are also included.

There are minerals and mushrooms that are miraculous.

There are water that has been oxygenated and water that has been magnetized.

Then there’s ASEA.

This review will go over ASEA to see if it really is the best MLM program out there.

You’ll learn whether MLM is the right online business for you.

And at the end, you’ll find answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding ASEA and MLM in general.

But most importantly, you’ll see the exact system many others have used to build their own internet marketing business to over $40,000 a month in mostly passive income.

This system made them swear off MLM for good, because it uses some of the same skills but in a much more powerful and profitable way!”

Selling ASEA Molecules

Discover ASEA - Patented 3-Step Process

Here are some notes I took while reading ASEA distributor Cil Burke’s guest article:

Typical sales speech about how product helped a family member, neighbor, or friend – This is something that almost all of the MLM products have in common. Blind experiments are almost never used to “prevent any possibility of a placebo effect, observer bias, or conscious deception.”

That quote is from Wikipedia, and it is one of the many reasons why health MLM health testimonials are useless.

Made of cells not organs – The author wrote: “If you take the time to think about it, we’re made up of cells, not organs.” It all depends on the level at which you want to discuss it. If you like, you may dig down to specific aspects. It is usually more productive to conceptualize in terms of organs.

It’s worked for me – The MLM pitch “They’ve changed everything for me and my health,” they say, followed by claims of lower blood pressure, aching joints, younger-looking skin, and chronic low back pain.

This is a normal list of ailments that I’ve seen dozens of times for the dozens of products I’ve reviewed, similar to the findings of Truth in Advertising. The FTC’s warning about miracle cures that “claim to be a ‘cure-all’ for several diseases including several symptoms” comes to mind.

Although these are not as serious as the ones about which the FTC warns, the similarities are there.

Marketing the ASEA Supplement as a drug – According to the FDA, the mention of ASEA lowering her blood pressure is an illegal marketing claim. In fact, it may result in a letter like this one.

That specifically mentions the issues with supplements claiming to lower blood pressure.

The warning letter specifically mentions disease claims in testimonials, saying: “Your website also contains disease claims in the form of personal testimonials, including:…” You’ll notice that the company immediately cleaned up those testimonials.

The FTC about claims and typical results – The FDA cannot be everywhere at the same time and monitor blog posts like this one. As a result, she is unlikely to receive a warning letter like the one pictured above.

However, the FTC states that as a product endorser, she is not permitted to make such claims.

The Science behind ASEA

The Science behind ASEA

As it turns out, there is no science behind ASEA. A commenter on MonaVie Scam directed me to this ASEA video. After watching it, it’s clear that it’s an ASEA informercial.

The people in the video were all recipients of a $194,000 grant from REOXCYN DISCOVERIES GROUP, INC, which was registered to Verdis L Norton, co-founder of ASEA. Why the deception in order to conceal who is funding the research? I suppose it’s to make you think it’s independent research.

Prior to that large grant, ASEA made direct grants to Nieman and Shanely. They changed the way the grants were credited. The grants are credited to Nieman, Shanely, and others in this Google cache image. Now that these are solely attributed to Nieman, I’m not sure what they’re attempting to conceal with this grant change that occurred months ago. In any case, ASEA has given Nieman $701,294 in new grants to conduct research for ASEA.

In addition, Nieman has a paid guest speaking engagement for ASEA.

Surprisingly, they only tested 20 people, which is a statistically insignificant number. Of course, they used a one-week sample size, which is also insignificant. It was never accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

You don’t have to take my word for it, though. I’m not a doctor, as any ASEA distributor will tell you. They’ll say I don’t have the credentials to explain why the science is irrelevant. With that in mind, I present you with Dr. Harriet Hall, an unbiased, fully qualified doctor, who explains why ASEA is yet another expensive way to buy water.

Of course, Harriet Hall not only debunks the product due to a lack of science, but also the Nieman study mentioned in the ASEA infomercial.

Finally, the New York Times warns readers not to read too much into these studies. It is critical that all consumers of health products read and comprehend this article.

Is ASEA just saltwater?

Is ASEA just saltwater?

Yes, the only ingredients in ASEA are extremely pure “salt” (sodium chloride) and water.

And the information on the label, which states that “ASEA is a proprietary blend of naturally occurring reactive molecules derived from a patented redox balance process,” doesn’t help much.

However, the end result is balanced Redox Signaling molecules.

This one-of-a-kind process reorganizes the constituent components into a beneficial mixture that is essential for proper balanced cellular chemistry, allowing the immune system to function at its best.

ASEA ingredients are subjected to a highly patented 3-day process, with the end result being stable, completely balanced Redox Signaling molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution – the same molecules found in human body cells. Because these Redox molecules are essential for the health of your cells, your body produces its own supply. However, once we reach the age of 12, our cells produce fewer and fewer of these molecules. ASEA is the world’s only Redox Signaling molecule supplement.

But don’t just take my word for it…  Some Scientific Validation of ASEA Products can be found here.

The Business of ASEA

The majority of ASEA’s business is MLM’s business (or What Gives Freddy Krueger Nightmares). It’s a truly awful “opportunity.”

Brett Hansen, who has significant industry experience (16 years), evaluated ASEA’s business model and the binary compensation plan, which shows that only 5% could possibly earn money due to the internal consumption model. Distributors and others may claim to make outside sales, but they frequently do not because selling product one at a time is time consuming.

According to his analysis, “the mathematics of their specific compensation structure indicate that 97% or more will never be able to even cover the basic cost of their autoship.”

Does ASEA Work?

While the mention of numerous testimonials may appear convincing, such testimonials are standard for any MLM product. This demonstrates that these testimonials are not specific to the ASEA product. A wide range of psychological phenomena are present with MLM health products, giving people the impression that they are effective.

Pros and Cons


Because of its brand name and huge claims, ASEA proved to be an effective income-generating business model. Joining ASEA comes with lots of benefits. Here are a few examples:

  • Product claims

While ASEA’s products are not new, they have done an excellent job at making them stand out. This offers the distributor a significant competitive advantage. Introducing a one-of-a-kind product to the market is an instant hit with potential sellers.

  • Branding and endorsements

One of the best things about ASEA is how well-known its brand is. The list of athletes who support ASEA products and are also strong believers in the products paints a picture of credibility. This is real proof that ASEA’s products may help you maintain your health or recover quickly from illness.

  • Good reviews

ASEA has received positive feedback both internally and from the Better Business Bureau. This recognition piques the interest of prospective customers and distributors. There may be a few compplaints, but these are minor administrative concerns that ASEA was able to sort out and improve.

  • A good Company standing

ASEA has been in the industry for a long time. It has firmly established itself as a reliable provider of high-quality products. The majority of MLM companies fail within the first three years of operation. ASEA has been around for almost 10 years and is expected to grow enormously in the next years.


The biggest downsides of joining ASEA Global deal on how they package their products and make their claims. What they offer is similar to what their many other competitors have offered over the last few decades. Unfortunately, ASEA Global has not done a good job of distinguishing itself from the crowd of health and wellness companies.

The following are the main disadvantages of ASEA:

  • Limited number of products

Their product line consists of only four items. This is insufficient in comparison to its competitors, who provide a diverse choice of products. In an MLM business, having a large number of products allows for more possibilities to sell to clients while also expanding the customer base.

  • Uncreative product

ASEA’s product line is based on an old formula. In truth, there have been several variants of the same product that make exaggerated claims. To the average person, the product is just water with a “special” formula and ingredients that cost more than $100 each month.

  • Complicated compensation model

According to ASEA’s compensation model, a distributor must recruit people who will be built into two legs. This is typical of MLMs. The way distributors must generate money, however, makes ASEA’s compensation scheme difficult. They must rely on the weaker of their two legs for commissions and promotions.

Instead of focusing on sales, distributors wind up focused on recruitment.

Is Asea a scam?

Asea is not a scam

When you do your research on ASEA Redox, you will discover that there are many things you can find on the internet – many positive, a few negative. Some people wonder if ASEA Redox is a scam, which is a real concern that must be addressed. The short answer is no! ASEA Redox is not a scam; it is a real product with real results and real possibilities.

Is ASEA a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) “pyramid”

Illustration of a Corporate Pyramid

According to many reviews, ASEA is believed to be a pyramid scheme. There are business pyramids everywhere. Consider the Corporate pyramid to the above; when you learn about the MLM pyramid, you’ll see that it has significant advantages.

The main benefit of the MLM business model is that people start at the top of their own “pyramid” that they build. A hugely successful business is possible with time and effort. Or maybe just a small “pyramid,” just enough to cover the cost of their product or the monthly payment on their car loan.

So, which one do you prefer?

The corporate pyramid, with little to no chance of reaching the pinnacle… or an MLM structure in which you begin as the “CEO” of your new business? A company with no “glass ceilings.”

This page will not go into detail about the illegal pyramid scheme or ponzi scheme, but that is what some people associate with MLM. However, this is not ASEA.

ASEA, like all legitimate businesses, is based on sales of its products, whereas an illegal pyramid scam is a so-called “business” that is based on the transfer of money—money coming in today is being paid out to those who came in “yesterday.”

Asea Fined in Italy for “Unfair Business Practices”

According to a Google Translate of an Italian consumer protection website, Asea Italy was fined 150,000 Euros for “unfair business practices affecting tens of thousands of consumers in the area of multilevel illicit beverage sales.

Asea Italy and Organ Golden Europe’s positions are exacerbated by the fact that both companies have curative properties attributed to their products that have not been adequately demonstrated and certified.” (Again, that’s the Google Translate version, but you get the idea.)

Are There Alternatives to ASEA?

There are actually quite a few MLM companies out there to choose from if you really serious about this industry. Here are just a few:

My Final Thoughts On Asea

Final Thoughts about Asea MLM

Even though many people believe it is, ASEA is not a scam. The Better Business Bureau has verified the company and has given it an A+ rating. However, I s it a good idea to join ASEA?

Look, MLM is not a simple way to earn money, and there isn’t anything here that distinguishes this program from the many others I’ve seen. On the other hand, the program is quite straightforward, with standard compensation structures and the option to generate sales online or through networking arrangements.

So, if you are a fan of these products and have a large customer list at your hands and the capacity to produce strong sales through online processes. In that case, the basic commission rates of 20 – 25% may simply appeal here.

But if not, I suggest you look for better alternatives to make money.

What Is Our Top Recommendation For Making Money Online?

our #1 recommendation for making money online 2021

Our review team has come across a program in the real estate industry that is next level!

Although it’s not real estate in the traditional sense, it’s all digital.

Yup, Digital Real Estate!

Where ASEA falls short is in scalability.

There’s only so much time in a day and there’s only so many people you can reach to sell by yourself.

MLM companies know this! Which is why they push so hard for you to recruit for your downline…you can’t get rich with it as a one man/woman show.

But what if you could make even more money off of little local websites without having to spend hundreds of dollars on overpriced products and a bunch of time recruiting people to sell under you?

With this digital real estate program, you can make recurring monthly income without constant sales to your friends and constant recruitment!

Sound too good to be true?

Of course it does! But it isn’t…in fact, business owners wish they had this skill!

All you have to do is build and rank a LOCAL website and forward the jobs off to a business owner in town, you could even email it to them!

This works for literally any service based business, tree service, plumbing, towing, etc.

How do you get paid and how much?

Simple, after you forward the jobs off to a business owner and he makes some money off of them, you simply ask to make the deal beneficial for each other.

A fair price to charge per lead, depending on the industry is 10-20%…let’s just use the tree service industry for example and go by worst case scenario.

Let’s say you build and rank the site and only 10 jobs a month come in. The average tree service job is anywhere from $500-$2000!

That means at bare minimum you have an asset worth $500 a month!

See why they call it digital real estate now? That’s a rent payment.

The great thing is how easy it is to scale. You don’t have to worry about:

  • Your upline getting paid before you
  • Begging your friends and family to buy from you
  • Recruiting people all the time

Remember ASEA? You only get what’s left of the pie if you meet a monthly quota…

The course we recommend actually allows you to collect HUGE FLAT RATE DEALS. Truly passive income!

The training program takes making money online to a whole other level. The owner of the program walks you through how to build and rank a site hand in hand, with the occasional voice over when he is sharing his screen.

You will learn the importance of keywords, website name, how to send call notifications via email, backlinking, etc.

Once the training program is completed you will also have access to a Facebook group much better than the ASEA group in our opinion. This group is much more active.

Unlike ASEA, where you’re getting maybe $10 per sale, you could be getting 10-20X THAT.

Nathan Crowe

A business will always want more leads and another job. In fact it doesn’t even matter that the job isn’t coming from their website name…they see it as it is…make them more money.

Unlike ASEA, more people have been able to walk away from their 9-5 job as well.

Digital real estate allows you to have total passive income with most of your day being spent WITH your friends, NOT selling to them.

Now, I know you probably have tons of questions…

So, check this out to learn more.