MLM Reviewed

Mannatech Review & Lawsuits: Should You Trust This Company?

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Mannatech MLM Review

You’re probably here because someone told you about this legit opportunity to make money from home, and you might have asked yourself… Is Mannatech a scam?

Before you start getting a headache from thinking about it… Mannatech is not a scam.

Is this a good opportunity to work from home and quit your full-time job if it isn’t?

This thorough Mannatech MLM review will go over all of the advantages and disadvantages of this opportunity so that you can make an informed decision.

You’ll learn whether Mannatech is the right online business for you.

And at the end, you’ll find answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Mannatech and MLM in general.

But most importantly, you’ll see the exact system many others have used to build their own internet marketing business to over $40,000 a month in mostly passive income.

This system made them swear off MLM for good, because it uses some of the same skills but in a much more powerful and profitable way!”

Mannatech Review

Name: Mannatech

Founder: Samuel Caster

Type: Health and Wellness MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 20/100 ($32)

Success Stories: 35/100

Price To Join MLM: $49 membership fee + $99 starter kit


Mannatech is a Multi-level Marketing Company that sells health and wellness products such as personal care products and dietary supplements.

They also give ordinary people the opportunity to work as distributors. Is it, on the other hand, a profitable business venture?

Make Time Online Rating: 30/100

Recommended: No

What is Mannatech?

According to the company, their main goal is to promote healthy products in order to fight global malnutrition.

Samuel Caster founded it in Coppell, Texas in November 1993. Apart from their products, they also have an affiliate program through which anyone can become a distributor and offer their products at a discount.

Aside from that, members can benefit from bonuses earned by recruiting new members to the company.

Who is Samuel Caster ?

Mannatech Founder- Samuel Caster

Mannatech was founded by Samuel Caster. He is an American businessman who founded several companies, including Eagle Shield and Electracat.

Caster, on the other hand, received a lawsuit from Greg Abbott as a result of Mannatech’s alleged illegal marketing scheme operation. Caster even paid a $1 million settlement for the lawsuit.

Is Mannatech a pyramid scheme?

Mannatech, on the other hand, is not a pyramid scheme.

Members of the company can earn money by selling nutritional and dietary supplements without having to recruit.

But here’s a better question… Is Mannatech a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What is a pyramid scheme?

Pyramid Scheme- Wikipedia

A company that promises its members monetary compensation for recruiting new members rather than selling legit products and services.

Because not everyone can earn within a company that pays its members to recruit, most countries consider this illegal.

Take a look at the diagram below from Wikipedia…

Members who only make money are extroverted individuals who work as full-time sales managers, promoting and selling the products to anyone they meet.

According to the diagram above, it is impossible for all members to make money in this system because you would eventually run out of people to recruit.

Success is rare with Mannatech

The truth is that it is extremely difficult to be successful in any MLM company.

It’s worth noting that 72.5% to 99.9% of MLM participants lose money.

Because MLMs have a sales quota, members can only stay active and earn money if they sell a certain number of products each month.

Otherwise, they will not stay active. As a result, members end up buying all of their supposedly for sale products.

They simply spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars out of their own pockets before they can recruit even one person.

Later in this Mannatech review, we’ll dig deeper into their Mannatech income disclosure…

How does Mannatech Work?

Mannatech is a multi-level marketing company that sells nutritional and dietary supplements.

They also provide regular people with the opportunity to work from home and sell products in exchange for commissions.

Sure, it appears to be a win-win situation…

The catch is that Mannatech saves millions of dollars by foregoing entire marketing campaigns and instead relies on its members to do all of the promotion and advertising.

Before we can determine whether or not that is the case, we should learn more about…

Mannatech products

Mannatech Products

Before joining, it is important to understand the company’s actual products.

To be honest, if you don’t use the products or understand them, there’s no point in talking about them because you’re going to sell a lot of them!

The company’s products are divided into 5 categories. They are as follows:

  • Integrative Health – Supplements that aim to improve your overall health, both physically and mentally.
  • Targeted Health – Supplements designed to improve bone, muscle, and heart function. The products available here also help in digestion.
  • Weight + Fitness – Supplements, shakes, and sports drinks were developed to help you lose weight and cleanse your body of toxins so you can achieve your ideal shape.
  • Skincare – Skincare products such as moisturizers, cleansers, and creams help remove dark spots, wrinkles, pimples, and blemishes.
  • Home Living – Products containing essential oils that help improve body function and slow the signs of aging.

Catalyst Multivitamin ($49.99) – Natural plant-based nutrients that boost the immune system and improve kidney, liver, and nervous system function.

Mannatech Catalyst Multivitamin

Uth Facial Cleanser (32.99) – Removes impurities from the face such as makeup and dirt. Reduces the production of dead skin cells and clears clogged pores.

Empact ($74.99) – Provides an energy boost to help you keep up with your strenuous daily workouts and exercises. It also speeds up recovery.


Keep in mind that these products aren’t unique; thousands of other companies sell pretty much the same line of products.

Furthermore, there are hundreds of MLM companies selling the same products under different names!

These are:

  • Ariix
  • Plexus Worldwide
  • Isagenix
  • Purium
  • Advocare
  • Xyngular
  • Truvision Health
  • Alliance in Motion
  • Le-Vel Thrive
  • Shaklee

They all claim to have a unique reason for standing out. But, in reality, they all are provide the same services.

So, what distinguishes Mannatech?

TruHealth Maintenance – flagship product

Price $179.99

Mannatech Flaship Product- TruHealth Maintenance

Provides a complete body strengthening and slimming program. This package contains 2 TruPlenish shakes, TruShape capsules, and TruPure Slimsticks.

Can you make money with Mannatech?

Making money with Mannatech is extremely difficult.

There may be a few who earn slightly more than the minimum wage. They do, however, work like full-time sales managers.

Their income report even shows that only a few people, and those at the top, make a lot of money from Mannatech.

How to make money with Mannatech

Mannatech allows you to earn money in two ways.

  • Earn commissions by selling products.
  • Earn bonuses by recruiting others.

Let’s learn a little bit about them before we get into their compensation plan…

How much does it cost to join Mannatech?

You must pay a registration fee of $49.99. This is called as the Associate Membership subscription and is valid for one year. However, because there is no product included in this package, you will need to spend more money.

Here are the prices for their various starter packs:

  • Basic Pack – $99 to $169
  • All-star Pack – $499
  • Premium All-star Pack – $999

So, how do you earn back your expenses?

Mannatech compensation plan

All MLMs make their compensation plans difficult to understand. Mannatech is no exception! But don’t worry, I’ll do my best to keep things simple…

Mannatech pays you in 5 different ways.

PPV Bonus

Depending on your PPVS, you can receive a bonus ranging from 5% to 15%.

This can range from 150 to 2000 PPV.

AQ Personal and Team Bonus

Your personal sales will earn you a $75 bonus. Or, you can receive a $300 monthly bonus from the sales of your downline team.

First Order Bonus

You will receive a 15% bonus for each new member you recruit.

Mentor Bonus

Every time one of your downlines is promoted, you will receive $75 to $350.

The value is based by the rank to which they are promoted.

Infinity Bonus

Receive 4% to 8% of the company’s total sales.

If you’re confused by all of this, don’t worry. MLMs use strange acronyms and fancy terms to make it appear as if there are numerous ways to make money.

When, in reality, there are only two options:

  • Sell Mannatech products.
  • Recruit Mannatech members

This makes us wonder if…

Is Mannatech a scam?

Mannatech not a scam

Mannatech is not a scam. The MLM sells legit products and pays members exactly what they say they will.

But here’s the thing: many members are frustrated when they realize they signed up for a misleading business opportunity because they lose money instead of earning it.

This is why many people refer to it as a scam.

The rest of this review will help you see the real pros and cons of this company so you can decide if it’s right for you or not…

But, when it comes to building a business, you have plenty of options.

And even if you’re dead set on becoming an MLM Distributor, you’ve got way better options than Mannatech.

Keep in mind, we don’t get paid to promote any of the programs we review. We personally think Mannatech is a great business model, but you could end up leaving way too much money on the table.

What I like about Mannatech

What I like about mannatech

#1 Proven history

Only 30% of MLM businesses survive the first 10 years. Mannatech, which has been in business since 1993, is one of them.

This means that they are unlikely to disappear overnight, as is the case with many MLMs.

#2 Positive product reviews

Another positive thing of Mannatech is that their products are competitive because they are effective.

Here are a few positive reviews I found…

Mannatech customer reviews

Mannatech customer reviews

What I don’t like about Mannatech

#1 Expensive products

Overpriced products in MLMs are a huge red flag that the company may be a “pyramid scheme in disguise.”

It’s because the company prioritizes recruiting over selling nice and affordable products.

So, take a look at these alternative health and wellness products I discovered on Amazon. They’ve received positive feedback and are manufactured by well-known companies…

Mannatech alternative products are available on Amazon.

#2 Hidden monthly expenses

Distributors must sell 100 PV each month in order to remain active. It doesn’t make any sense…

Why would you need to sell a specific number of products?

Something doesn’t add up to me…

If you can’t sell 100 PPV per month, which is around $100 to $200 in product value, you’ll have to buy it yourself.

The truth is that Mannatech’s main customer base is their distributors, who constantly buy their products in the hopes of one day becoming their own boss.

#3 Is Mannatech a pyramid scheme in disguise?

If you have to spend $100 to $200 per month just to stay active, the only way to avoid this is to recruit people under you…

Mannatech as a pyramid in disguise

You’ll then need to encourage them to sell that many products so they don’t have to pay for it. That’s just not right…

#4 Saturated market

There are thousands of MLMs in the health and wellness industry.

These are, in fact, the most common MLM companies. It would simply be difficult to sell something if there were already a large number of competitors.

#5 Legal Issues

A new FDA directive warned Mannatech against marketing its product as a medicine.

Ben Carson claimed to have died after developing Mannatech in response to cancer patients’ constant pain.

Mannatech was accused of using recruits for targets who desperately needed a cure for their illnesses in 2007.

This represents a wide range of topics that can be easily found with a simple Google search.

Your customer would most likely stop buying from you. You will lose them if you advertise your product with medicines. You would not be able to do business with Mannatech again if you were aware of the issue.

#6 Downward trend

For me, the deciding factor is what I discovered on Google Trends.

Mannatech downward google trends

The number of people looking for Mannatech fluctuates a lot. This means that it does not receive a consistent and stable number of searches to be considered sellable.

It is much easier to sell something that people are looking for.

Mannatech, unfortunately, is not one of them.

Can You Really Make Money With Mannatech?

Yes, You can!


There’s a lot that comes along with MLM that many people struggle with.

In fact, check out these Top 5 Reason Why Most Network Marketers Fail.

Now, don’t get the wrong idea…

It’s not impossible to make money with MLM, but if you’re gonna put in the amount of grueling work to do this business (which, trust us, isn’t easy), you might as well bring in some REAL money while you’re learning the ropes.

The program that helped skyrocket many online businesses to over $40,000+ per month is so simple that making money really does become second nature.

Are There Alternatives to Mannatech?

There are actually quite a few MLM companies out there to choose from if you really serious about this industry. Here are just a few:

Mannatech Review: My Final Thoughts

My final thoughts on Mannatech

Mannatech, without a doubt, sells more interesting and effective health and wellness products than other MLMs.

What about their business opportunity, though?

There is no other legit way to make money than by recruiting as many people as possible into the company and then encouraging them to sell in order to remain active.

The truth is that most, if not all, of these people will lose money with Mannatech.

That does not strike me as an ethical business model…

What Is Our Top Recommendation For Making Money Online?

our #1 recommendation for making money online 2021

Our review team has come across a program in the real estate industry that is next level!

Although it’s not real estate in the traditional sense, it’s all digital.

Yup, Digital Real Estate!

Where Mannatech falls short is in scalability.

There’s only so much time in a day and there’s only so many people you can reach to sell by yourself.

MLM companies know this! Which is why they push so hard for you to recruit for your downline…you can’t get rich with it as a one man/woman show.

But what if you could make even more money off of little local websites without having to spend hundreds of dollars on overpriced products and a bunch of time recruiting people to sell under you?

With this digital real estate program, you can make recurring monthly income without constant sales to your friends and constant recruitment!

Sound too good to be true? Of course it does! But it isn’t…in fact, business owners wish they had this skill!

All you have to do is build and rank a LOCAL website and forward the jobs off to a business owner in town, you could even email it to them!

This works for literally any service based business, tree service, plumbing, towing, etc.

How do you get paid and how much?

Simple, after you forward the jobs off to a business owner and he makes some money off of them, you simply ask to make the deal beneficial for each other.

A fair price to charge per lead, depending on the industry is 10-20%…let’s just use the tree service industry for example and go by worst case scenario.

Let’s say you build and rank the site and only 10 jobs a month come in. The average tree service job is anywhere from $500-$2000!

That means at bare minimum you have an asset worth $500 a month!

See why they call it digital real estate now? That’s a rent payment.

The great thing is how easy it is to scale. You don’t have to worry about:

  • Your upline getting paid before you
  • Begging your friends and family to buy from you
  • Recruiting people all the time

Remember Mannatech? You only get what’s left of the pie if you meet a monthly quota…

The course we recommend actually allows you to collect HUGE FLAT RATE DEALS. Truly passive income!

The training program takes making money online to a whole other level. The owner of the program walks you through how to build and rank a site hand in hand, with the occasional voice over when he is sharing his screen.

You will learn the importance of keywords, website name, how to send call notifications via email, backlinking, etc.

Once the training program is completed you will also have access to a Facebook group much better than the Mannatech group in our opinion. This group is much more active.

Unlike Mannatech, where you’re getting maybe $10 per sale, you could be getting 10-20X THAT.

Nathan Crowe

A business will always want more leads and another job. In fact it doesn’t even matter that the job isn’t coming from their website name…they see it as it is…expanding digital real estate.

Unlike Mannatech, more people have been able to walk away from their 9-5 job as well.

Digital real estate allows you to have total passive income with most of your day being spent WITH your friends, NOT selling to them.

Now, I know you probably have tons of questions…

So, check this out to learn more.